Sunday 11:00 am - Family service:
service consists of a mix of songs both old and new, prayers, a Bible
reading and then a talk based on the passage read from the Bible. By
12:15pm we're usually assembled in the church hall enjoying
refreshments. A hearing loop system is provided for those who use hearing aids.
During the service, there is a crèche for tiny tots and just before
the talk is given to the adults, children and young people leave for
their own meetings. Parents and carers of young children are welcome to stay with their children in the crèche as the speaker's message is relayed through to the crèche.
Sunday 6:00pm:
On the first Sunday of each month, we meet together to pray. On the last Sunday of each month, there is no evening meeting, and on the intervening Sunday evenings we meet to share the Lord's Supper or ‘Holy Communion.’
Monday morning – Bethesda Tots:
During school term time there are two sessions for Bethesda Tots: the first runs from 9.30am- 10.30am, and the second from 11am until 12 noon. These are play and sing session with refreshments for babies, pre-schoolers and
their carers. Places are limited and need to be booked in advance.
To book a place please send your details to:
Midweek Fellowship 7:45pm - 9:15pm:
During the week house groups meet to study and
discuss the Bible together. Two groups meet on Tuesday evenings, and a third group meets on Thursday evenings at a slightly later time of 8pm. There is also a study group that meets in Bethesda during Tuesday daytime.
UNCOVER - Youth Group Wednesdays 7:45pm - 9:00pm:
For 11 - 18 year olds for games... food... and a talk from the Bible.