
The details provided here are for anybody interested in Christianity, Christian Baptism and/or Church Membership at Bethesda Evangelical Church.  As a church, we believe that both baptism and being identified with a fellowship of God’s people are God’s clear will for Christians.  This guide aims to outline what the Bible teaches about these subjects and how those teachings are put into practice at Bethesda.

So whether you…

  • Are a Christian who is looking to be baptised
  • Have been baptised and are seeking church membership
  • Have previously been baptised and/or a member of a church elsewhere but would like to join Bethesda

…we would like you to consider these details carefully so that you understand fully Bethesda’s position on these subjects.

These details are provided in three parts …

1.  What is a Christian?

2.  Bethesda & Baptism

3.  Bethesda & Church Membership

Being a Christian is the basic and non-negotiable requirement for anyone who would like to be baptised or become a member of Bethesda.  If at the end of this section you are unsure if you are a Christian, or if what is described is true of you, then that is something to discuss with one of the church elders.


Part 1:    What is a Christian?

Two points of reference before we start…

It is essential to establish two points of reference before talking about Christianity.

Firstly, the Bible assumes unequivocally the existence of one Almighty God who created all things, and who in Himself consists of three equal but distinct persons – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit but who are one God.  The Bible declares that humanity has no excuse for not believing in God since His invisible qualities and divine nature can be clearly seen and understood from what has been made.  [Romans 1v20]

Secondly, the Bible is God’s book to humanity and its authenticity and reliability are well proven. As such, it is the only basis for all Christian doctrine and beliefs. This booklet is based on the teaching in the Bible and refers to and quotes the Bible as the ‘word’ of God. As such you are encouraged to check out the quotations for yourself.  [2 Timothy 3:16]  

Christians are not…

We live in an age when there is often confusion about what it means to be a Christian – for example:

Some claim to be Christians because they believe in God.  However, this is clearly inadequate as people in other religions believe in God but aren’t Christians.  Furthermore, the Bible teaches that even demons believe in God! [James 2v19]

Some claim to be Christians because they try to live a good life and do good to others, etc.  But many non-religious people seek to do this and reject any link to Christianity.

Some claim to be Christians on the basis of church attendance and other Christian activities.  However, the Bible says that some people who are involved in such activities (even ‘in the name of Jesus’) will not be accepted by Him. [Matthew 7v22-23]

The Gospel

To understand what a real Christian is, we first need to understand the Gospel.  ‘The Gospel’ means ‘good news’ – it is the news about Jesus Christ, who He is and why He came into the world.

The apostle Paul summed up the message of the gospel as…

“Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behaviour.  But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation - if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel.  This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.  [Colossians Chapter 1v21-23]

At the heart of understanding why Jesus came into the world are these basic truths:

        God is holy – He is the source and creator of everything that is pure, good and righteous.  He made the world and humanity in perfection in order that people might know Him and enjoy a relationship with Him. [Revelation 4v11; Isaiah 6v1-5; Genesis 1v31; James 1v17-18]

        ymjjjjjHumanity is sinful – men and women have turned away from God and rejected His rule.  They do not live as they should – none even live up to the standards of their own conscience, never mind God’s standards of holiness.  God’s goodness is not acknowledged, and His ownership of the world is ignored.  Our lives and world are scarred by sin and the failure to give God His rightful place in our lives. [Romans 3v9-19; Ephesians 2v1-3; Titus 3v3, Genesis 6v5-6, Jeremiah 17v9]

Because God is just, He cannot leave such rebellion undealt with.  The sins of men and women will be held to account and punished.  Men and women must face the judgement of God with the prospect of being cut off from God, in Hell, forever.   [Acts 17v30-31; Romans 1v18]

       Christ died for sinners and rose again – despite humanity’s rejection of Him, God so loved the world that he sent his Son, Jesus, to save people from the consequences of their sin.  At the Cross God was able to be just (i.e. rightly punish sin), but also make it possible for people to be forgiven and brought back into relationship with Him.  Jesus, who was without any personal sin, took upon himself the punishment that we deserved at the Cross – becoming the Saviour of those who put their trust in Him. [John 3v16; Titus 3v4-7; Romans 3v21-26 & 5v6-8; Galatians 2v20; 1 Peter 2v24; 2 Corinthians 5v21] 

           A response is required – the Christian Gospel declares all of the above – humanity’s terrible danger and God’s loving solution.  It is a message that demands a response: acceptance or rejection.  [Acts 2v37-38; Acts 17v30-31; Mark 1v14-15; Matthew 28v18-20] To do nothing is effectively to reject it – to accept it is to take the steps that follow…

Becoming a genuine Christian

The Bible teaches that becoming an authentic Christian is the work of the Holy Spirit and involves three key things:

Repentance: - Christians recognise that they have lived contrary to God’s will and His standards, that they have offended and grieved God by their actions and are sorry they have done so.  Crucially it involves a change of mind, so that they turn away from a sinful way of living and seek to live God’s way.  Repentance is more than just regret or sorrow (although these would be appropriate emotions to feel) – it is a decision to reject sinful ways and start living God’s way instead. [Luke 5v32; Acts 2v37-38 & 17v30-31; 2Corinthians 7v10]

        Believing: - Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He took the just punishment for the sin of all humanity when He was crucified. Christians believe that only through Jesus Christ is there forgiveness for sin and reconciliation to God.  So whereas Repentance is turning from sin – Believing (or faith) is turning to Jesus Christ.  To ‘believe’ in Jesus Christ is to trust that through His death Jesus suffered the punishment for your sin, to put you right with God.  [John 3v16 & 20v31; Acts 16v31; Romans 1v16-17; Mark 1v14] 

       Confessing: - Christians are people who declare/admit before others that they are followers of Jesus Christ.  While this aspect of being a Christian is not referred to as frequently as Repentance and believing in the Bible, it was the expectation of the early church and is something that those who would be Christians must be prepared to do.  [Matthew 10v32-33; Acts 4v19-20; Romans 10v9-10; 1 John 4v15]

Note:  Baptism is a very public way of ‘confessing’ you belong to Jesus Christ (Acts 2:41) – see Part Two.

Thus repenting, believing and confessing are the hallmarks of New Testament Christians.

Doubts and Assurance

It is sometimes the case that even when someone has fulfilled all of the above they can still be unsure if they really are a Christian.  The Bible reassures us that if we have repented, believed and are prepared to confess our faith in Jesus Christ, then we will be accepted in God’s sight as real Christians.  See Romans 10v8-10 – and take God at His word!  If doubts do arise, then the following points should help to overcome them:

       Our salvation does not depend upon us: - being accepted by God is not conditional on our reaching a certain level of goodness or commitment - it is a free and undeserved gift of God.  Christians are accepted by God solely because of Christ’s work on the Cross – a work of sin-bearing that can never be undone and is fully sufficient to satisfy God. [Ephesians 2v8-9; Romans 5v8; 1 Peter 2v24; Hebrews 10v10-14]

       Look to facts not feelings: - the problem with feelings is that they are fickle; some days we feel confident about our faith and on other days we feel unsure.  It is important to realise, therefore, that our status as Christians does not change with our moods, but rests on God’s unchanging promises (and God cannot lie). [Hebrews 6v17-19; John 5v24; John 10v27-29; Ephesians 1v13-14]

       The witness of the Holy Spirit: - every Christian has God the Holy Spirit present in their life [Romans 8:9].  The Holy Spirit’s presence is a living and transforming one which we would expect to see worked out in several ways.  For example, Christians have a greater sensitivity to sin – when they sin it pricks their conscience and grieves them, spoiling their relationship with God.  Christians begin to have an affinity with other Christians and a growing love for others (even old enemies); they experience new desires to know God and to serve Him.  Remember, however, that these evidences of the Holy Spirit in us grow over time as we open our lives to God – also they are often more obvious to those around us than they are to ourselves.  [Romans 5v5; Romans 8v9-10; Galatians 5v17, 24-25; 1 John 4v7-8 & 13-16]

Growing as a Christian

The Christian life is an ongoing relationship with God in which we (helped by the Holy Spirit) seek to live lives pleasing to Him.  There are a number of ways in which we are helped to do this:

        Prayer: - setting aside regular times to speak to God is key to a healthy relationship with Him.  It is in these times that we can thank God for His goodness to us, pray for others, bring our needs to God and, lastly, confess our failures and seek forgiveness as we in turn forgive others.  [Ephesians 6v18; Colossians 4v2; Acts 2v42; Romans 12v12; Matthew 6v5-15] 

       Reading the Bible and obeying God’s word: - this is the primary means by which God speaks to us and where we find out about God and His plans for our lives and the world.  God’s words are our spiritual food and without regular intake, we will soon become weak Christians. [2 Timothy 2v15; 3v16-17; Psalm 119 v9-11; Matthew 4v4]  Not only should we read God’s word we should determine to obey it and mature in Christian character. [James 1v22-25; 2 Peter 1v3-9]

       Remembering what Christ has done for us: - Christians do this by partaking of the bread and wine at the Breaking of Bread (sometimes called the Communion Service).  Jesus Christ instituted this simple feast Himself and invites every Christian to take part. [Luke 22v17-20]

       Fellowship: - as Christians we have been brought into the larger family of God’s people (the church).  As part of this family we are given (and give) encouragement and support.  We also identify ourselves with God’s wider work in the world and become part of it (this is also a way of confessing/owning our faith).  [1 Corinthians 12v4-7; Hebrews 10v24-25; Acts 2v46-47]

       Service: - as a Christian, God has given you gifts (your personality, talents, experience etc.). These gifts are given that you might use them to glorify God, do good and play your part in Christ’s Church, building-up other Christians and reaching out with God’s love to others.  In this way we worship God in actions, as well as words. [1 Corinthians 12v4-7; Galatians 6v2, 10; Titus 3v8]

None of these ‘practices’ make a person a Christian, but they are all hallmarks of a healthy Christian life and evidence of new life in Christ.


If you have read Part 1 and realised that you are not a Christian but wish to put your faith in Christ for salvation, please contact one of the church elders* who will be glad to help you, answer questions and pray with you.  

*[The term ‘elder’ is found in the New Testament and refers to a mature Christian man appointed to lead the church – it is usual to have more than one elder.] 


Part 2:    Bethesda & Baptism 

Baptism – an outward sign of an inward faith

‘Being baptised’ and ‘becoming a Christian’ are very closely connected in the Bible.  One reason for this close connection is because baptism is symbolic of what happens to someone at conversion.  In the early church it was common for new Christians to be baptised within a very short time of their conversion (immediately in some cases). [Acts 2v41 & 16v31-33] 

Baptism is a visible act of witness that a person is a Christian and is committed to living the Christian life.  Baptism does not make a person a Christian but it is an act of obedience, ideally soon after professing faith.

Bethesda practises ‘Believers Baptism’ by ‘total immersion’. We do this as we believe it best fits the Biblical picture of baptism [Romans 6v3-4] and is in keeping with the accounts of baptism in the New Testament. [Mark 1v9-10; John 3v23; Acts 8v36-39]  Nevertheless, if health and frailty are a concern then other forms of baptism would be offered.

To understand what baptism means (or represents), we need to think about what happens at our conversion:

         We start a new life in Christ: - baptism is a symbol of entering into the life of Jesus Himself – that is, His death becomes our death (of old self), and His resurrection becomes our new life. [Romans 6v3-4; Galatians 3v27]

       We are cleansed by Christ: - baptism symbolises that the guilt of our old life is “washed away” – giving us a clean conscience before God. [1 Peter 3v21, Acts 22v16]

       We become part of Christ’s body (His people): - at conversion we become part of God’s people and baptism is a public sign of identification with the church.  It is also a symbol of our equality in Christ – we all enter God’s family in the same way. [1 Corinthians 12v12-13; Ephesians 4v4-5]

        We put ourselves under Christ’s authority (obedience): - Jesus commanded His disciples to baptise – a command repeated by the apostles.  Baptism is a way of showing our obedience to Jesus Christ.  [Matthew 28v19-20; Acts 10v48; John 15v14]

       We confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour: - getting baptised is a very clear statement of your allegiance to Christ.  At your baptism you will be asked, before witnesses, if you confess Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. [Romans 10v9]

Baptism is for Believers

Bethesda believes that, precisely because baptism is a sign of a person’s new life and faith in Jesus Christ, it is only appropriate for Christians.  This is reinforced by what we see as the New Testament pattern of ‘baptism always following belief’.  [Acts 8v12-13; 18v8; 16v30-33]

We also see that ‘having faith’ is the key ingredient in baptism:

Having been buried with him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God… [Colossians 2:12]

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. [Galatians 3:27]

Hence, at Bethesda we only baptise those who are of an age and maturity to profess faith in Jesus in their own right. We do not practice infant baptism and would only baptise a young person with parental consent.

If you are a believer and have not been baptised then we would encourage you to be baptised and then become a member.  The church upholds its belief in Believer’s Baptism in its teachings and ministry and, as stated earlier, if health and frailty are a concern then other forms of baptism could be offered. 


Part 3:    Bethesda and Membership

Worldwide and local church

The Church of Jesus Christ is made up of all Christians throughout the world.  In this sense every Christian becomes part of the church at their conversion.   [Acts 2v46-47; 1 Corinthians 1v2; Colossians 1v6]

The local church is simply a gathering of Christians in a particular place.  Thus, Bethesda Evangelical Church is a local expression of this greater worldwide Church in the same way as New Testament churches in Rome, Ephesus, and Thessalonica etc...

The Church is People

The Bible takes it for granted that Christians will be part of a local church (the New Testament is predominantly written to churches or church leaders).  God’s plan in salvation is to create a people, in Christ, who are reconciled both to Himself but also to each other.  True Christianity is not therefore a solitary experience but a corporate one – there are no ‘lone ranger’ Christians in God’s plans). [Ephesians 2v22; 1 John 2v19; Hebrews 10v25]

We can see this emphasis on being connected with other Christians in some of the ways that the New Testament describes the church.

        A Body: - Paul’s most common description of the church.  We are united as one and just like parts of the body, we are dependent on each other to function healthily. [Romans 12v5; Ephesians 4v4-5; 1 Corinthians 3v16; 1 Corinthians 12]

       A Building: - the picture is one of Christians built together to make a dwelling place for God. [Ephesians 2v19-22; 1 Peter 2v4-5]

       A Family: - we are united together as sons and daughters of God.  This idea of being a family also affects how we relate to each other (e.g. respecting older Christians as we would our fathers and mothers, etc.). [Galatians 6v10; 1 Timothy 5v1-2]

Why Membership

We live in a ‘commitment-phobic’ culture today where people often like to keep their ‘options open’ and can be reluctant to take on responsibilities.  But being a Christian is a call to take responsibility – for others and for God’s work in the world.  While it can be tempting to ‘dip in and out’ of churches and church life, we need to remember that churches only exist because of those who have taken responsibility to keep them going week in and week out.

Bethesda believes that becoming a formal member of a local church is helpful for a number of reasons:

        Who are we accountable to?  Christians are to be mutually accountable to each other as they seek to live out their faith.  This recognition of our interdependence is crucial if we are to support each other honestly and be genuinely open to the input and guidance of other godly Christians.  Additionally, the New Testament puts an emphasis on respecting the authority of godly leaders (elders). [Hebrews 13v17; 1 Peter 5v1-5]

Not being a formal member of a local church can cause confusion or doubt about where such accountability actually lies.  We cannot practically be accountable to every Christian in the world or every elder – but by being ‘a member’ in a local church we can give ‘concrete recognition’ to this relationship with fellow-Christians, and of our respect for the leadership of our local church elders in matters of church life and doctrine. [Acts 20v28; Hebrews 13v17; Philippians 2v4; Colossians 3v16]

         Who are we responsible for?  As part of God’s family we have the great privilege of being cared for and supported by other Christians.  Formal membership says, ‘These are the people I will take responsibility to encourage and support on a week to week basis’.  [Philippians 2v4; Galatians 6v2; Hebrews 10v24-25] Church elders have a responsibility to care for those in their churches. [Acts 20v28-29; 1 Peter 5v1-3] Being a member of a local church helps the elders to identify those who wish to be under their care.

        Who do we serve?  As noted in Part One, the Bible calls us to use our abilities and gifts to serve God and others – in this we are following the example of Jesus Himself. [Mark 10v45; Philippians 2v1-5]  Being a church member shows our commitment to serve others in the church and, by going through the Membership process, helps the elders to know us better and be reassured of our character and suitability for involvement in church activities, etc.

         Who are we identified with?  Being a member of a church is a way of showing our full commitment to Jesus and His mission on the earth, and demonstrates that we are happy to be counted among God’s people. [Hebrews 10v35-39 & 13v13]

Being identified with a local church is therefore a ‘must’ for Christians – and formal membership shows a full commitment to the life of a church.  It is only in gathering together with other Christians in such a committed and ongoing way that churches become real spiritual families.


Membership at Bethesda comes with the responsibility of being part of the ‘church family’ and showing that commitment by supporting and attending the main services of the church whenever possible.  It is during these times that we encourage each other in worship and grow together under God’s Word.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.  Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching. [Hebrews 10:24-25]


Christ’s church functions healthily when its different parts are contributing as God has designed them.  We all have different gifts, abilities and experiences – all of which God wants to use to build up His people and fulfil the mission Jesus Christ gave to the Christian church.  Members are encouraged to get involved in an area of ministry and participate in outreach – these are great practical ways of getting to know fellow Christian in the church. [1 Corinthians 12v7; Romans 12v4-8; Matthew 28v19, 20]  


The need to be prepared to give to the church of our time, commitment, abilities and service has been noted above.  These contributions are vital – both for our own spiritual growth and for the building up of others.

The New Testament also teaches the need for Christians to financially support God’s work (e.g. church workers, overseas mission, ministry expenditure and the costs of running and maintaining premises).  Members are encouraged to give financially as they are able and as God has blessed them.  Nevertheless, at Bethesda giving is treated as being between the individual and the LORD and as the individual has decided willingly in their heart to give.  [2 Corinthians 8v1-9; 2 Corinthians 9v6-7]

Information on giving to the church (including Standing Orders and Gift Aid) is available from the Church Treasurer.


All members of the church are expected to live according to the principles and standards laid down in the Bible.  It is the responsibility of every member to preserve the unity, peace and holiness of the church.

Evangelical and ‘Brethren’

Bethesda is an independent ‘Evangelical’ church from the ‘Brethren’ tradition.

Being ‘evangelical’ means that as a church we desire to reach out to others with the Good News of Jesus Christ – which is the commission Christ gave to His church. [Matthew 28v18-20] Underpinning this is our core belief that the Bible is God’s Word and, that as originally given, is without error and fully reliable in fact and doctrine.  We believe the Bible has final authority in all matters of faith and conduct.  The key beliefs of the church, arising from this conviction, are contained in the church’s ‘Statement of Faith’ (see back page) as stated in the Bethesda (Warrington) Trust Deed.  Those wishing to join Bethesda would be expected to share these core tenets, and be prepared to submit to the Bible in all areas of life and faith.

Our ‘Brethren’ tradition means that the church is organised in a particular way (although most of what we do is common in other churches).  This means, for example, that the church is overseen by a group of elders who, together, are responsible for its affairs supported by a team of deacons.*  This belief in plural leadership is also complimented by a strong commitment to ‘all member ministry’ – that is, the participation of all members in some form of church ministry.  We have an ‘open’ Breaking of Bread service i.e. the reception at the Lord’s Table of all believers known to be sound in faith and life.

Bethesda is complementarian in its view of gender roles.  That is, we believe that men and women are equal in worth and value before God, and that Christ’s work of salvation is open to men and women without distinction.  Within this context we also recognise a biblical pattern that, among the various roles and duties given to men and women in the church, certain are given as male responsibilities, i.e. eldership and preaching to the whole church. [Galatians 3v28; 1 Timothy 2v11-12; 1Timothy 3; Romans 16v1-2]

Further, we follow the teaching of the Bible that God created humanity both male and female [Genesis 1v27] and we therefore uphold the God-given pattern for human sexuality and marriage between one man and one woman. [Genesis 2v20-24] 

 Anyone wishing to join Bethesda Evangelical Church will be expected to share the church’s beliefs and practices.

It is our hope at Bethesda Evangelical Church that Christians will embrace the vision to worship God together, to serve together and make the love of Jesus Christ known in the world together.  Because when we come together, work together, worship and fellowship together in love – then Christ will be truly glorified in our lives.

How do I go about applying for Baptism and/or becoming a Member of Bethesda?

The process is very simple:

              1.       Contact one of the elders and let them know of your interest.

              2.       Church members will be made aware of your interest either by email or at a church                            members’ meeting. 

              3.       An informal meeting will then be arranged with you and two church leaders, one of                           whom will be an elder.  At the meeting you will be asked how you became a Christian,                       and any issues relevant to your membership will be discussed.  This meeting will also be                   an opportunity to discuss any questions you may have about Bethesda.

              4.       If at the end of the meeting all parties are happy to proceed with the request, you will                     normally be welcomed into formal membership by the whole church during a mutually                     agreeable Sunday service (or the Sunday following your Baptism if both were being                           requested). 


Please read carefully this Statement of Faith & Practices. If you have any questions or are unsure about any of the points please discuss this with one of the elders.

Statement of Faith & Practices

Statement of Faith


The Divine inspiration, authority and sufficiency of the Bible. (2 Timothy 3v15-17; 1 Peter 1v10-12; 2 Peter 1v20-21; Psalm 19v7-11)


The Unity of the Godhead with the distinction of Persons in that Unity, namely the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit to whom equal honour is due. (Deuteronomy 6v4; Genesis 1v26; John 1v1-2; John 5v17, 22-23; John 14v25-26; John 16v7, 27-28; Philippians 2v6; Hebrews 1v1-3, 8)


That Jesus Christ, the Son of God, truly became man being begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. (John 1v14; Romans 8v3; Galatians 4v4; Matthew 1v20-25; Luke 1v35)


That His death was a sacrifice to God and a propitiation for the remission of sins. (Romans 4v25; 2 Corinthians 5v21; Hebrews 9v24-28; Hebrews 10v12-14)


That He was raised from the dead. (Matthew 28v5-7; 1 Corinthians 15v20)


That He ascended to the right hand of God and is now the all sufficient High Priest of His people. (Mark 16v19-20; Luke 24v50-51; Acts 1v9; Ephesians 4v8-10; Hebrews 4v14-16; Hebrews 7v25)


That He will come again to receive His people unto Himself and to set up His kingdom. (John 14v3; 1 Thessalonians 4v13-18; Luke 1v32-33; Isaiah 9v6-7; Daniel 2v44-45; Daniel 7v13-14)


That in consequence of the fall of Adam man became ‘lost’ and at enmity against God; that he is also ‘without strength’ to do the will of God. (Psalm 53v2-3; Luke 19v10; Romans 3v19; Romans 5v6; Romans 5v12-19; Romans 8v5-7) 


The need of the Holy Spirit’s work in regeneration and sanctification. (John 3v5-8; John 16v8-11; Titus 3v4-7; 2 Thessalonians 2v13-14; 1 Peter 1v2)


That the justification of the sinner before God is by faith alone. (Romans 3v21-26; Romans 4v4-5; Romans 5v1; Galatians 2v16)


That every justified one is also born of God. (John 1v12-13; James 1v18; 1 Peter 1v23)


That such new birth results in and is made evident by holiness of life and good works. (Ephesians 2v10; Ephesians 4v24; Titus 3v4-8)


That at death the spirit of man does not cease to exist and does not become unconscious. (Ecclesiastes 12v7; Luke 16v19-31; Luke 23v43; 2 Corinthians 5v6-8)


That the dead will be raised either to life or condemnation and that the blessedness of the righteous and the punishment of the unrighteous will be alike eternal. (1 Corinthians 15v51-57; Philippians 3v20-21; Romans 14v9-10; 2 Corinthians 5v10; Daniel 12v2; Acts 17v31; Revelation 20v11-15)



The baptism of believers by immersion on personal confession of faith and the commemoration of the Lord’s death in the breaking of bread on the first day of the week. (Matthew 28v18-20; Acts 2v41-42; Acts 8v36-38; Acts 10v47-48; Luke 22v19-20; Acts 20v7;   1 Corinthians 11v23-26)


The conducting of meetings for worship under the guidance of the Holy Spirit with opportunity for the exercise in the assembly of all true gifts for edification subject to the Lordship of Christ. (Romans 12v6-8: 1 Corinthians 12v13-14; 1 Peter 4v10-11)


The reception at the Lord’s Table of all believers known to be sound in faith and Godly life.

(From the Bethesda (Warrington) Trust Deed)